
Hite Brewery and Rafting:

Yesterday, we went to rafting in Gangwon-Do province and visited in Hite brewery, one of the leading beer companies in the world. Many people enjoy rafting in the valleys of Gang won-do and are most famous spot for rafting in S.Korea. Gang won-Do is famous for its cleanness and natural scenarios. During the time, we also visited the Hite brewery production site. Everybody enjoyed with the hospitality of Hite pure beer in the site.

(Rafting Instruction)

(Group Photo,We are in left side)

(Not so weighty....)

(Partima, me and my Korean friend)

(Ganesh, Sujeong-Si and me,thanks Ganesh for beautiful phtos)

(Me, SujeongSi and Partima)

(In the shadow behind us is our Korean Rafting Guide)

(We are in Hite Beer Production site)

(With her friends)

(In front of reception,Hite Beer production site)

(Sujeong Si, our good friend in S.Korea, looking so happy with Partima)

(Partima also encouraged me to drink occasionaly after observing it's finest production quality, what is infront of her in glass?)

( Leading Beer and me)

(After rafting, so tired)

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